Attendance Procedures & Policies

Chantilly Academy attendance procedures and policies

Report attendance using one of the methods below.


The Chantilly Academy schedule never changes!

Attendance Policy

Students should be present in class every possible minute throughout the year and are responsible for work and time missed in Academy classes due to absences.

Chantilly Academy’s attendance policy is similar to your base school’s attendance policy. However, there are some procedures that are unique to the academies. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility for making sure their attendance record is accurate. Work closely with the teacher to monitor any discrepancies. Our Policy is:

  • We must hear from a Parent/Guardian for all absences. We will not accept notices directly from students. The Parent/Guardian must notify BOTH the Academy and the base school when students are absent due to illness, doctor’s appointments, etc.
  • Absences known ahead of time (i.e., college visits, vacations) require a Pre-Arranged Absence Form. Parents/Guardians cannot excuse Academy absences due to base school activities.
  • Your Base School (attendance office, counselor or administrator) must sign the Academy’s “Pre-Arranged Absence Form” when you are required to attend a base school activity such as AP/SOL testing, assemblies, meetings, or other bell-schedule changes that cause you to miss your Academy class.
  • NOTE: Students must complete and return the “Pre-Arranged Absence Form” at least TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE of the upcoming activity. Forms not filled out correctly will not be accepted.

Students from other base schools arriving late to the Academy must check in with the Academy office upon arrival and before going to class.  CHS only students should first check in with their sub-school and then bring their late pass with them to check in at the Academy office.

The reason for an absence or tardy must be reported to the Academy office on the day of the absence when possible, but no later than within two school days of the absence.  Notes and phone calls to excuse an absence received after the 3 DAY period may not be accepted and the absence will be marked as unexcused. While it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the Academy of the reason for their student’s absence, it is the Academy’s responsibility to determine if the absence is excused or unexcused.

Pre-Arranged Absence Forms are available in each Academy classroom and the Academy office.

**PLEASE NOTE: BASE SCHOOLS DO NOT REPORT ATTENDANCE TO THE ACADEMY**. It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to report attendance to Chantilly Academy. It is not the responsibility of the base schools to report attendance to us. The Academy has students from high schools across the county, all with different schedules, so it is impossible to track student activities each day. Please do not rely on the base schools to let us know your student is absent. Thank you.

If reporting an absence or tardy by phone:                      

  • The Parent/Guardian should call the day of the absence or tardy, if possible, but no later than three school days after the absence. Otherwise, the absence may stay unexcused.
  • To report an absence, call the Academy Attendance Line: (703) 222-7496, available 24/7.

Please leave the following information, and speak clearly and slowly:

  • Student’s First and Last Name; please spell out the Last name.
  • Student’s school ID number.
  • Student’s Academy class.
  • Student’s Base School.
  • Date(s) of the absence(s)
  • Specific information for the absence:  such as illness, travel, college trip, etc.
  • Your First and Last name and contact number.

If reporting an absence or tardy by note:

  • If absent, the student should bring a note to the Academy office the first day back from the absence if possible, but no later than three school days after the absence. If the student is absent on multiple consecutive days, the parent/guardian must confirm the absence within two days of the student’s return to school. When arriving tardy with a note, the student should report to the Academy office prior to reporting to their class. All attendance notes must be written, dated, and signed by the Parent or Legal Guardian with a daytime phone number included. Also include, student name and ID number.

Multiple absences:

  • Students with absences of 10 or more days in the same class, excused or unexcused, may receive attendance letters and the Academy may require doctor’s notes or written documentation to excuse further absences.

If a student misses a shuttle bus:

  • If a student misses a shuttle bus from their base school to the Academy and does not attend the class, it is considered an unexcused absence. Students should report immediately to their base school attendance office, sub-school office, or counselor.  A base school staff member must then contact the Academy office to report the absence to verify the student is safe and accounted for.


  • If students need to leave early from Academy, please have them bring a signed and dated note to the Academy office, stating the reason and time for dismissal, so students can sign out and receive a check-out pass.  CHS students must receive their check out pass thru their base school and then come to the Academy office to show the pass.
  • Students who become sick and leave their base school during the school day and, as a result, miss their Academy class, the Academy must be notified accordingly. The attendance office and/or clinic is not always able to tell us, therefore a parent/guardian should call us directly to let us know.

Thank you for your cooperation!